GOOD NEWS see also FaceBook

Thursday 14. May, 2020, kl. 05.00:


Sunday 17. May, 2020, kl.05.00:

I had just woken up when this incredibly surprising message arrived. With a friendly, gentle and calm voice without sound in the ears, the message came to the whole head, as strong and with character, as with sound. Every word filled my head.

The reason I received the message is that I had the Experience of Divine Love and Compassion in the summer of 1979.

The message came from the True God with Unconditional Divine Love and Compassion for all He has created.

COMING: Explanation to the priests about the Game with the Duel between GOD and SATAN about who will get to rule the people on Earth
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Clarification: The god of wrath is Satan, whom all the religious, in good faith, worship. Satan does not exist in reality. He is just a burdensome character that God himself took on in this game that is life on Earth. But the priests and Imams refuse to pass on the Message from God to their congregations, and declare the religions closed forever. Thus they force God to continue in the role of Satan. But now it’s over:
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The key to full rights in Paradise is quite simply to pass on the “Message from God”, if only to one other person, as it is written above. It is also enough to send the address of my website,, to others. But, of course; the more each of us passes on the “Message from God” to; the sooner God will give us Paradise. For this small help, you will also receive lifelong protection from that moment on. God and your guiding spirit hear what you say just as well as you do. For both are inside your body, along with your own spirit. (Message from God provides the solution to the cryptic text in the Gospel of Thomas):
“If you pass on what is inside you, what you pass on will save you. If you don’t pass on what’s inside you, what’s inside you will destroy you”.

“Heavenly joys” will remain on Earth, and are sexual pleasure and happiness. The highest Divine sexual experience is called Kundalini. A loving couple, both of whom have passed on the “Message from God”, can have this experience. It is a gift of encouragement to accept your guiding spirit when you contact it, – or if not, the guiding spirit itself contacts you.

It has been four years since the Message from God came, and it seems that no one has accepted that we are ruled by our own closest loved ones. Where there is war and suffering, as in Ukraine, Message from God can be considered a cry of distress from our loved ones, and a plea to all of us to pass on the Message from God. As quickly as possible, and to as many people as possible. There is an old saying that goes something like this: “When Mohammed would not come to the Mountain, the Mountain came to Mohammed”. This is also how it will go with us:

I have received this message: “You are deeply loved. Stop the fight and start cooperation for peace. If not, you will be forced by your governing spirit”.
On March 26, 2024, these words came:

“You will receive a sign:
“Spontaneous, recurrent strong itching in the entrance to an ear”.
 Then I felt it myself, in my right ear. First once, then twice more. The itching is so strong that you have to rub it with a finger. Then it disappears. Then you should know that it is your own guiding spirit who will say that she/he is in your body, and is looking forward to communicating openly with you.

Note: At the bottom of this account you will find the chronological section beginning in early childhood. I have had to place the last year’s events at the top – and the website is getting messy. I post tips about new things at the top of Facebook. To understand how the communication takes place, it is necessary to read the chronological account further down.

12 June 2024 after midnight: I couldn’t sleep, — lay thinking that almost no one is willing to pass on the Message from God.

I must have fallen asleep for a moment, because I was in a dream where I was on a car ferry that I had the key to. Then the skipper came walking on board. In passing he asked: “Do you have the Key?” “Yes,” I answered in my voice as I woke up at 02:20. Now I understood that it meant; The key to Paradis is to pass on “Meldi from God”. Those who refuse to make this small contribution will be denied access to the highest sexual experience, Kundalini, for the rest of their lives in the Paradise to come. If gentle methods do not help; then I do not know whether God has no choice but to give man the anxiety I was shown in the spring of 2022. It should be enough to be told that we are guiltless, all of us. I don’t get an answer to what the end will be.

I have experienced many funny things that the guiding spirit can give children: Among other things, one morning I couldn’t bear to leave the warm good bed: Then a blue bertut popped into the field of vision by the left eye for a short moment, and let out a loud BERT, like a horn with a rubber bladder. I laughed and thought this must be intended for the kids.

To the young I want to say: Shun religion, and if you have come in, get out.
Pass on the Message from God. Then he and your guiding spirit will protect you for the rest of your life.

Refuse to be used for military service, and you don’t have to be afraid that someone will force you. Because it is God who rules everyone, and he takes care of everyone who has given him this little help he asks us for, no matter what happens.I

In order for us to have a body to be in after we have passed away, we get to steer one of those we ourselves gave a body. We got a body from mother and father. House, clothes, food, love and care from them. It means that we are bound to stay on Earth after we have passed away. And if we stop fighting, and instead cooperate for peace and just distribution of goods, we will be steered by God, and not his role of Satan. Then the Earth will be our Paradise

The Justice of God
As human beings we are steered to what we would have done, if we were set free.To God, we are guilt-free for what we do, but in our relation to other human beings, we are held accountable for what we are steered to do.(karma) If you hurt and humiliate someone, and apologize directly to the person, it will be deleted. If you do not, you will be directed to get paid back with the same coin.The best is to apologize as soon as possible after the mistake.

If you plan to kill another human being, and do it; then it does not help to apologize, for you have caused two spirits to loose the body they should live in. Then, in your next life, you will be killed, yourself. The exception is self defence. These sentences I first refused to write, and thought I could get away with it. But a couple of days later I got it one more time. Again I refused. Immediately Dad gave me such a bad anxiety that it left me no choice but writing it.

The first subject, on karma, was already known to me. But what the case is on killing, was unknown and so dramatic to me, that I, in case that I had misunderstood, refused to write it again. Then when I got that anxiety, I realized it was right, and that I was pledged to write for people to know it.
As for murder. What I have written about murder can be understood as meaning that the steering spirit must be with the body when it is to happen. But it was unclear for a long time, and I thought it was unreasonable. But now I have had it explained that the steering spirit leaves the body, and God himself directs man to murder.

First, if anyone has felt insulted by anything I have written on my website after I published Message from God, I want to give them an unreserved apology for that. As for religious people, perhaps I have not made enough allowances for the fact that most of them have been taught from childhood to worship the god of Wrath, because the priests and the Imams believed him to be the real God. Thus they are more or less tied up to their faith. But, as I now will tell directly; The god of wrath is SATAN.

26 oct. 17.00 20203 came a communicated message from God, and I will insert it here:

Eight years ago I came across the Gospel of Thomas with two cryptic texts. The first was:

“If you bring forth what is within you, what you bring forth will save you. If you do not bring forth what is within you, what you do not bring forth will destroy you.”

The second was a long list of what God had said about himself, and which I read without understanding either the first or the last.

The thoughts come from God, are given via my steering spirit, Dad, to me. (So it is for all of us). Now I wanted to see if I could remember some from the list, and here they came:
“I am the good one”
“I’m the Evil One”
“I am the thief”
“”I am the harlot””
“I am the Merciful”
“I’m the caring one”

Then there was silence for a while…and then came words I had not read before:
“I am the Loser — that no one will listen to”.

Then I got tears in my eyes.

To keep us guilt-free, God has steered us to what we would have done if we had been set free. He, himself has taken the burden of what we have done of evil.

In other words; If we ignore Message from God, we denie God to show us his goodness, and we force him to continue in the role of the Devil. We inflict even more suffering on ourselves, our own steering spirit and God.

No one can imagine how Kind, Good, Loving and Compassionate God is. But that’s what you get as a reward, if you tell him that you wish to get it, and accept your steering spirit:
The experience of Divine Love and Compassion.
It is unimaginable and cannot be described. An experience for a lifetime. For all of us.
The Duel between God and the Devil for the people on earth,
Life on Earth is a reality game in a millennial perspective, where we have been stered by God to do what we would have done if we had been set free. It is mandatory for all populated planets in the universe, and with the purpose to show us that if we were set fri, we would not stop fighting, and thus cause extinction to ourselves. That is why “Message from God came now – three years ago.

Among religious people, the perception of a battle is the same. But the Devil does not exist, so God plays the role of Satan, himself. A terrible role and burden that we should relieve him of as soon as possible, – now that he has given the message to mankind that we are steered and free of guilt. Because he loves us all, and has an equal amount of Divine Love and Compassion for each one of us. Therefore, we must immediately put down all the religions, and see what happens. It really is a shame if we don’t. What will happen then, nobody knows. What we do know is that religious communities are preparing for the great battle of Armageddon and Judgment Day with angels and trumpets from Heaven. But the Judgment Day has already occurred, peacefully and without any noise at all; The days of “Message from God”,14 to 17 May 2020. But nobody cared. The 15.June 2020 I published Message from God and my story on how it happened, to newspapers all-around the world, to Christian, muslim and Buddhist communities. But they all seem to have rejected The true God with Divine Love and Compassion. Take look at what has happened during these three years. Slaughtering in Ukraina, earthquakes, heat, flooding, religion wars and now, a new hell in Palestine and Israel

Now as the truth is told; if you leave the religion and passes on the Message from God, that we are steered by our steering spirit and God, you will receive protection from being harmed or killed. But those who stick to the religions, to the Devil, God will not protect anymore. For you can’t ride two horses at the same time.

The Experience of Divine Love and Compassion
This amazing experience is central to the duel. God is just, so he gives the Devil a chance to take his disciples when the time comes. Of course, I knew nothing about this setting when in 1979, aged 33, I read about a woman in this country who had experienced divine love. (That is why I have retrieved text from the chronological account and inserted it into The Battle between God and the Devil, as I now have got communicated from God through the spirit of my father Magnus

“I, the candidate, having this experience and being ignorantly guided by what I said and did, decided to try to have the same. I believed that if there was a god, it should be possible to achieve contact without any intermediary from religious communities. I also wanted to test the biblical statement: “Ask and you shall be given, etc.” To steer clear of anything to do with religion, I wanted to turn directly to God. And here you get what I said with my mouth verbatim – because I wanted to hear it myself anyway: “Dear God”, but then the thought came (from the Devil): “and Jesus, if necessary” – thus I said that too — “I would like to experience divine love, like this woman I read about.” I was unsure of what was necessary, so I added to the next thought I received (from Satan): “I will become a Christian, if I get love first”. Because I had heard told that it gave an extraordinarily good feeling about it. All this I said, because I knew I would do this only once, and never again. If I were to do this today, I would not include anything from religion, but simply said that I wanted the experience of Divine Love and Compassion.

Should there be a positive response, I expected to receive it right away, but it did not come. Afterwards, I just felt stupid, and had no expectation of anything. I just wanted to put it behind me. But now I got a bit of anxiety that lasted all day and into the next, and that was new to me. In the afternoon I went into the barn to look after the rabbits that our kids had. I felt a bit bad for them because I had not yet arranged a place for them outside in the summer sun. As I turned my gaze towards them, it suddenly happened:

Divine Love and Compassion
The heart, the whole chest, the body was filled with a love, compassion and a joy, so good and beautiful that it is indescribable. The whole experience was bathed in an “inside” vision of a pale golden light. It lasted about 15-20 seconds before it slowly disappeared as I tried to hold it in place to make it last longer.

The love and compassion felt clearly coming from myself, and was directed at the rabbits. How that was possible remained a mystery to me for a long time. I had neither thought of, nor asked for the compassion. It felt like it had its clearly defined senter in the heart. I was so happy that it was really possible to experience this, because from the very beginning I had almost no expectation of anything at all. I just wanted to find out if it worked or not. When you have this experience, you know that Divine Love and Compassion is unconditional.

It sweeps away all notions of both doom and evil spirits, should one have them. There is no place for such in this love. It also gave me unlimited confidence in what might happen later. I also realized that most things are possible. Henceforth the promise to become a Christian was both unnecessary and an impossibility. But because I had promised, I didn’t tell anyone about the experience. It could perhaps be taken as income for the religion.

Although I didn’t believe in the perdition in the previous years, I just had an uneasiness because I didn’t know anything. Afterwards, the anxiety about life after death disappeared.
Even though I didn’t know where it was going to be, or what to do with the time. I never had fear of God, never received demands for worship, thanks and prayer. I was exempt from all that, as it is when you have a good human father, papa. It was unavoidable in the years that followed that I occasionally wondered if it was this experience that Jesus, like others in the East, had had. In fact, I couldn’t think of anything higher than this.

In 2012 I began to tell about the experience I had in 1979. Then started what I first called THE PROGRAM, but which is this Duel between God and the Devil about the people on Earth,

The battle has three rounds where Satan tempts with women, money, wealth and land. Trying to take control and command — cheating and deception, all of it. That’s when I realized that it was a blueprint of what the Church tells about Jesus. I got everything in original raw format, and without help or influence from others. This is a long story which, seen through religious eyes, can seem frightening because they will think it is the Devil. But I saw through it, because I had received mind communication with Dad, and knew that the Devil did not exist. So sometimes it could be both very funny and hugely astonishing.

Led away from God by Satan, the god of Wrath
Right from childhood, John 3.16, “for God so loved the world” etc… had given an association to Jesus, without any particular event having been linked to it. But after 2012, it happened a couple of times that I woke up in the middle of the night, lay down for a while – and looked at the digital clock with red numbers. — 3.16. Funny, but a coincidence, I thought. About three months later it happened again. Coincidence, I thought again. But at the same time, I found it a little strange, somewhat disturbing.

After that unimaginable experience in 1979, I was never in need of any kind of human therapy for anything, nor now while this was happening. But I was curious about what other people had from spiritual experiences. So when I found a scheme on the internet about unconditional love, and which could eliminate things I had said or done to others, but never had the opportunity to regret, or apologize for, I tried it.

The theme came as a sentence written on a light gray background in the field of vision, — with closed eyes. A few letters in the middle words that gave a hint about the current event. The rest went into doodles towards the ends. One day it was empty, nothing on the gray board. Unaware of what was to happen that night, I went to bed.

The “meeting” with the Devil, the religion’s “God of Wrath”
I dreamed that I entered the kitchen, and discovered to my dismay that three very large live fish were writhing there on the floor: A catfish, a tusk and a long. I was in panic as what to do to get them hidden and gone. When I turned around, I saw that the catfish had climbed the wall and was on its way out of the window, which was horizontally open. I had to get hold of it — get it inside, so that no one discovered this dreadful incident. Got hold of the neck skin, which felt dry, carried it to the bathroom and laid it with its head over the drain, found a stick and hit it on the head. Immediately, blood began to trickle straight out of the skin all over the head, and it trickled into the drain. At last I heard only breathing sounds, as if from an open pipe — and now the dream ended abruptly!

It was as if a hatch in hell had been blown open by a glowing gale of terrifying devilry — which hit me in the head, rushed through my body with a loud roar of wind — and I lay there in shock, terrified, stunned! My God, I said quietly. I lay down for a while to get to the hooks again, and then I looked at the clock: There, with red numbers, 3.16 shone at me. Then I realized that now the time had come for me to be a ChristianI, as I had promised. It was awful — despairing… What I considered impossible after 1979, I was now going to be forced to do…

What followed in the time afterwards will come another time, perhaps in a book.

If this had happened to me as the person I was before 1979, and without any reason, just received this, I would probably have been so terrified of having such a visit again, that I would have lost my mind, been in panic fear of dying, – the rest of my life. But here the Experience of Divine Love and Compassion became an anchor that saved me.

When a man who is religious from before, Buddhist, as Jesus was — and gets the Experience of Divine Love and Compassion, he will believe in the third round, or be persuaded by other religious people to believe that it is the Devil who has entered his body . And when the spirit asks for acceptance, he will reject it, as the Church preaches about Jesus. But it was not the Devil, it was the spirit of his own father, Joseph, that Jesus rejected. The devil won, and was allowed to use Jesus as a decoy, forcing him with anxiety to take over the people on Earth.

When I got my third round, I believed them
I thought it was a “homeless”, who didn’t have a body to be in, and trusting God I took the chance that it wasn’t dangerous. It was my dear dad, Magnus.

I just want to say, especially to the young people who are to confirm the baptismal vow that parents and godparents, in good faith, gave on your behalf for you to belong to God: They are giving you to the Devil.

Flee instead.because the religions have the potential to destroy your life!

I have tried to the best of my ability to tell the religious, without saying it directly, that it is the Devil they worship and that the religions must be put down, but it had no effect. When God does it in that way, it is to let us experience and understand that we are going extinct if we do not abolish the religions and stop fighting for power and dominance. He cannot take the Devil on board into the new future of peace across our beautiful planet, Earth, because the religious will impeed all the progress humanity were ment to make.

A warning
We are steered, but if you walk blindfolded, and a voice shouts: “you are now walking to the edge of a cliff”. What do you do? This is what a message from God means. He gives us the choice to stop and cooperate for peace, instead of fighting for power. Three years have passed since I went public with Message from God. World War III is approaching, but no one is reacting.

God asks for our forgiveness and will make amends to us for what we have suffered through many lives. Therefore, we have been given the key that physicists need to find out how Gravitation can be cancelled. (See in the menu)

Although life on earth is a reality game in which God himself also plays the role of the Devil, it is real. Because if we don’t do as he asks us, we force him to continue in the role of the Devil and steer us to kill each other. I think it’s a shame that no one seems to take what I say seriously. God has love and compassion for us, and it hurts when he has to continue to give us suffering. It is time for us to start thinking about letting God have peace, and the opportunity to give us the good and exciting future he has planned for us. Then he won’t have to force us, because it might hurt.

We are meant to have Ascension to a higher reality to take advantage of a new technology where we can control gravity. God is, and has always been our teacher, our omniscient professor of all we have learned, always.

No escape
We have only this beautiful planet, the Earth, going in orbit through the space — but our leaders seems to be blind to the danger they create for all of us, our loved ones passed away, included, when they conquer each other to rule the world. We know that USA was allowed to drop two nuclear bombs on the Japanese. They are not excempt from getting back in the same coin that they gave. No one who misuse power in large or small are exempt from it. These sentences in “bold”, I first refused to to publish, so I deleted them. My dad let it pass, and I thought everything was all right. A couple of days later, I was back on the text and got it communicated a second time – and once again I refused. What happened next, was: My heart stopped completely. For the time of two beats. The feeling was terribly alarming — and I was busy getting it written again.

For us to have a human body to live in after we have passed away, we get to steer another human being.

My steering spirit, dad Magnus
It was the spirit of my dear Dad that communicated this good message to me, and which I shall pass on. He passed away in 1970, took over my body after another in the family, and since then he has steered my life. Not from the outside, far or near, but from the inside, with me in my body. So close that I thought I was steering myself. He makes sure that I am who I am destined to be in this life. Communication is calm, pleasant and with just the right amount of fun.

When a child is born, it receives a spirit that has been steering spirit of other people for three generations, and is to be reborn. In his new child body, he has not access to the memory from previous lives, or direct access to his own memory as human being. At the same time, the little child gets a steering spirit who is a close relative or friend of the same sex as the child. The steering spirit controls everything, including access to the childs memory. Both are steered by God and thus guilt-free.

“All are steered by me”
When I ask my steering spirit how it is possible for God to steer all of us, he reminds me of a quote of the German nuclear physician, Max Planck:
“As a man who has devoted his whole life to the most clearheaded science, to the study of matter, I can tell you as a result of my research about the atoms this much: There is no matter as such! All matter originates and exists only by virtue of a force which brings the particles of an atom to vibration and holds this most minute solar system of the atom together. . . . We must assume behind this force the existence of a conscious and intelligent Mind. This Mind is the matrix of all matter.”

― Max Planck, The New Science

Life on Earth is a reality theater where God is the producer, director and prompter.
We are all spirit. As human beings, we alternate between being an actor in the game, unaware that we are steered body/spirit during our lifetime, and after we have passed away — as a steering spirit for other people for three generations.

The Experience of Divine Love and Compassion
The experience of Divine Love and Compassion is well known in the East, both before and after the time of Jesus.These things was completely unknown to me in the seventies. I had only heard the term “Love and Compassion” mentioned by two foreign youths, who worked with us here in 1978. They had Love and Compassion as a guide in life. For me also, it was two good and necessary feelings we all can know.

The recipe for peaceful human coexistence is the same for all religions: Trust, respect, love, compassion and care for each other. And that is already common for those without any religion – like myself. Then we can consider ourselves a global family without religious dividing lines, and together find solutions for peace all over the world.

Global Divine steering.
Through many lives we have been steered to do what we would have done if we had been set free. To be both good and evil, secular, religious, both misusers of power in insatiable pursuit of wealth and control over people. Everything is distributed equally to everyone, so that no one is above the others.

Under Unconditional Divine Love and Compassion, no one is allowed to suffer demands for submission and obligation to worship and give thanks, forbidden food, mandated clothing. Or self-denial of your natural need for sexual pleasure and joy…all to please the strict and infinitely punishing God of religion. He does not exist, for he was a fantasy created by the fear of perdition. And the perdition was a falsehood that could be discarded. All this, which only removes security, well-being and the natural right to freedom and happiness, can now be discarded.

If we want peace and a good life on Earth for all of us; both as human beings and as governing spirits after death, we must effect peace across the globe—now, while we still live. We can make Earth a place we can all look forward to returning to after we’re gone.

It is equally important to my father who steers me, and of course to all our loved ones who have passed away, both recently and generations ago, and who now live inside our bodies, rule us and want peace. Now those who rule us have had the opportunity, through a steered person, to tell us that they live with us, and want us to get used to the idea that we are ruled. Therefore, it is vitally important that everyone do their best to spread the address of my website withMessage from God to the whole world and in all languages.

We are now on the brink of World War 3
We are robots and must now stop the fighting, put down the religions and work together for peace! If my account had been taken seriously, we could ideally have had peace when I published “Message from God”. But during the 2 1/2 years passed since then, large parts of Ukraine have been razed to the ground, thousands of people have been killed, and millions of people have been forced to flee their country. In addition comes the result of all the other conflicts around the world.

How far we are allowed to go, I don’t get to know, only that we eventually will be forced. If someone has taken me to mean that I am the one who is going to force someone, they have completely misunderstood. The steering spirit that each one of us has with us in the body is the one that can be allowed to force us. The method can vary between humorous and more serious, such as anxiety. And of the latter, it is the anxiety that the Gospel of Thomas says can destroy you, which is the very worst.

Gospel of Thomas
“If you bring forth what is within you, what you bring forth will save you. If you do not bring forth what is within you, what you do not bring forth will destroy you.”

This means that it is the knowledge of the steering spirit that you have with you in your body, which you will now learn about and should tell other people about. Because if you refuse, you deprive both your steering spirit and yourself of the peace that God will introduce, and the steering spirit will be allowed by God to destroy you.

The anxiety that can destroy you (Gospel of Thomas)
I wrote this on 4. May 2022 after it was over: This morning dad gave me a demonstration of the anxiety that can destroy man. It is absolutely terrible – far, far worse than the one I had previously been shown. I became frightened, completely despairing, the facial muscles and the whole body began to tremble as if it was on the way to dissolution. It lasted for three hours.

Humorous methods to make you aware that the spirit is inside you:
Tickling around nose, corners of mouth (smile). Disappears when you run your hand over the area.

He/she can pinch your big toe so that you jump towards the floor, shouting and laughing. It’s not painful, but it tickles all the way up to the middle of the calf.

Series of sneezes synchronously with a high opinion of yourself. Two increasing, and a violent third.

Compulsion to get you away from bad habits / living:
Sudden itching in the throat that starts a violent coughing that causes saliva, tears and snot to flow until you run out of air and just gasp.

Or that the jaw, in sync with a certain thought, on one side suddenly jumps halfway out of joint so that it slams when you chew together. Or that it gets stuck out of joint so that you have to use such force to get the jaws together, that the muscle is overstretched and becomes so painful that you can barely get food in for a couple of weeks.

Painful tendon strain / muscle cramp that the spirit can give you in a leg to get you out of bed in the morning, if you linger to long. It can be both comical and annoying too, when you have to jump up from the warm bed and stand there in an upright position while you try to get the cramp out.

Anxiety Extremely depressing and vicious feeling that starts in the stomach. It spread to the whole body and robs you of all joy and good feelings. Unbareable for a long periode of time (see chronological account, “The Program”)

None of those who treat others as they, themselves, want to be treated, need fear the scheme, but rather welcome it heartily.

Divine Love and Compassion
The experience of Divine Love and Compassion is well known in the East, both before and after the time of Jesus. Such things was completely unknown to me in the seventies. I had only heard the term “Love and Compassion” mentioned by two foreign youths, who worked with us here in 1978. They had Love and Compassion as a guide in life. For me also, it was two good and necessary feelings we all can know.

From here I will tell chronological the background for what has happened to me.
I had a good and exciting childhood in the 50s-60s Ytre Grytøy, sub-arctic natural paradise for kids to grow up, where most people made a living from fishing and small farms. As we grew, we had almost free access to play everywhere; in the mountains, on the shores, on the quays and the sea, where it suited us. There were quite a lot of people around, and help, if needed. We came home when we were hungry, and that was the normal. We learned to take care of ourselves.

The only thing that made horror for me in this paradise, was when I seldom visited, or had to be at Christian meetings and congregations, where there was silence, fear of God and preaching about life, the afterlife and the perdition. For me, it did not leave a single trace of joy. Therefore, I mostly stayed away, and thus I had a happy childhood. Luckily, no one in my family was Christian, but according to Christian preaching, they were doomed to perish if they did not repent. Then the grown-ups would be thrown into hell to burn forever, either when they died or when the day of judgment came. If that day came while I was still a child, I would, because of Jesus, go straight to heaven, while the rest of the family would go to hell.

As a 13-14 year old boy, I tried to imagine the scenario at the edge of the blazing hell. Jesus was going to pick me up and had to tear me apart from the others. Then the devil came and threw my loved ones out to burn forever. How could I thrive in heaven, thinking of the destiny they got? That would be my hell forever. The only solution I could think of, was that God didn’t let me remember it. But again, I thought it was awful. I could not imagine God being so angry and stern. Why did he have to get Jesus killed before he could be with his creatures? “Heaven” became just an emergency solution where I would never thrive. After this performance, I found it impossible to trust religion and did not let this eclipse my happy youth.
Yet, as a youth, I was of the opinion that there had to be a god, a creator behind all the wonderful life and the entire universe. But I have never been able to make any figurative conception of God. I thought that love, and divine love had to be unconditional. Jesus’ attitude to other people, to the outcast, the poor and the sick, his recipe for peaceful coexistence; love, respect, trust and care for each other, resonated with me. Moreover, he spoke against the misuse of power. But of course, one does not have to be religious to have such attitudes. I thought that if there was a god, it could be possible to make contact without any mediator from religious communities.

Research on my own body
I have always refused to believe blindly, but rather by my own experience, tried to find out what is true and to trust. Throughout the history of medical science, students have made far worse experiments on themselves than I did in the early 1970s. I had heard that a week’s fast would, on the seventh day, give an extraordinarily good feeling, but wanted to test the claim. Late autumn, and with body work, did not provide the most ideal conditions for the experiment. After two days, my half-tight nose, which had troubled me for most of my life, had become completely open. But after three days, the resting heart rate had dropped to 45, and then I was unsure if it was safe to continue, so I stopped the experiment, even though I felt OK. Water / liquid takes away the feeling of hunger. Then it was also interesting to know how it feels to be without food for so long. It was this attitude that led to my spiritual experiment.
Divine Love
The summer 1979, at the age of 33, I read about a woman in this country who had experienced Divine Love, and I would try to get the same. I also wanted to test the biblical statement: “Pray, then you will be given…” To steer clear of religion, I would turn directly to God, and here you get the words I said with my mouth, because I would at least hear it myself: “Dear God,” but then came the thought, “and Jesus, if necessary” – and I said it – “I would like to experience Divine Love, as this woman I read about.” I was unsure of what was needed, so I added the next thought I had; that I should become a Christian, if I got the love first, because I had heard that it would give an extraordinary good experience. All this I included, because I knew I would do this only once, and never again. By then I did not know that it was enough to say that I wanted to have the experience of Divine Love and Compassion.
If there should be any answer to get,I expected to get it right away. But it didn’t come. I must admit I felt quite a bit stupid, speaking out in the empty air for this experience. Afterwards, I had no expectation of anything, and I just wanted to leave it behind. But now I got a little anxiety that lasted the day out, to the next. It was strange to me. In the afternoon I went into the barn to see the rabbits our kids had. I felt a little sorry by them because I had not yet arranged a place for them outside in the summer sun. As I turned my sight and looked at them, it suddenly happened:

Divine Love and Compassion
The heart, the whole chest, the body was filled with love, compassion and joy, so good that it is indescribable. Along with this, I had an “inside” view of a pale golden light.
It lasted about 15 seconds before it slowly disappeared as I tried to hold it tight to make it last longer.
The love and compassion clearly felt coming from myself and were directed to the rabbits. The compassion I had neither thought of, nor asked for. It had its center in the heart. I was so happy that this really was possible to get, because I had almost no expectation of anything at all. I just wanted to know if it was possible or not.
This experience sweeps away all notions of both perdition and evil spirits, if one should have it. There is no place for such in this love. I knew immediately that Divine Love and Compassion is unconditional. It also gave me unlimited trust in what would happen later. I also realized that most things are possible. Hereafter, the promise of becoming a Christian became both unnecessary and impossible. But, because I had made the promise, I didn’t tell anyone about the experience. It could perhaps be taken to income for religion.
In the following years I lived without any uncertainty about life after death, even though I didn’t know where it was going to be, or what to spend time with. Many years later, when I came across the information that this experience have been known in the East, both before and after the time of Jesus, I couldn’t help but wonder if it was DL&C he, and others in the East, had got. In fact, and with no comparison to what more is told about Jesus, I couldn’t imagine anything higher than this.

Spontaneous healing
Later I experienced spontaneous healing three times, just by asking for it – the third time happened after 2012.

Hidden communication
In the eighties I was once with a group of 20-30 people, scattered in several adjoining rooms when I heard, in the middle of my head, one of them shouting my name. The character of the voice immediately told me who it was. The voice was weaker than one can hear with the ears, had narrower frequency band, but was very clear. Stunned, I reached to think that now the person is calling me, and quite right; now the person shouted: “Tor”, with a question. And now I heard with my ears. Today I know it was the communication system of the steering spirits I, for a moment, was switched into.

On June 15, 2007, we lost our dear first son, Terje, by drowning. Then the bottom fell out of existence for us parents, and for him who lost his big brother. Terje had just returned from his third winter at weather stations in the Arctic Ocean. He was a guy who enjoyed physical activity from when he was a baby. On his changing table his feet went like drumsticks, and when he was finally done there, the seams were cracked. As a nine-year-old, he emptied the savings box with NOK 300 and gave the collectors to a TV campaign for the poor. As an adult, he paid for a child on a caring home in the East, and who he also visited once. His sports activities, were paragliding, rock climbing and diving. In civil service he took firefighter education with smoke diving. While he was at the College of Engineering in Grimstad, he lived most of the time in a 25 foot sailboat he had bought. And now it was over. We were left just the memories of all his hitting and humorous comments and pranks throughout his life. During the following years, they helped with the emptiness and grief.
The Silver Cord severed
In the following years, I was plagued with muscle aches, swollen knees and sciatica. After a treatment at a chiropractor, and back home, I got an impulse to stretch my back. I let my head fall forward until it stopped. Then there shot a string sensation from the lower back, and about 20 cm up the spine, and one «string» from the lower back to the left hip, and halfway down the thigh. With open eyes, I pushed my head even further down. Then the sight was blocked, and I looked into a darkness where two seemingly flat, two-dimensional silver-shining bands, each with its chipped end stood totally still, forming a lying L. The longest band horizontally at the top, and with the chipped end to the right. The short one was standing vertical under the chipped end of the long band, with the chipped end up, but not in touch with the longest band. Out towards the ends of the chipped ends, they went from silvery, gradually turning to gold-glowing – as if with radiance. I could let my gaze wander from one side to the other and study the picture – a beautiful sight in High Definition. It looked like a perfectly stylized illustration of a rupture! The way I saw them, it seemed like they were 30-40 cm in front of my eyes, and the width of the bands 5-6 cm. As I lifted my head, the image disappeared and I could see normal. I was completely amazed and thought at first that it could be a physiological alert feature that this was dangerous. But then I became curious as to whether it could be repeated, and if so, perhaps could arise scientific interest. So I did it again, with the same result.

The program (Under editing)
The program, as I call it, is a difficult topic to go into detail on. Without comparison with Jesus in general, it is like a blueprint of what Christianity says about Jesus when he was tempted by Satan in the desert: “Satan came three times, but Jesus rejected him”. I got three rounds of experiences that will give outsiders the impression that evil forces tries to get access. I realized it could be perceived that way, but I never thought that was the case. What I tell, may sound scary for outsiders, and that is the purpose.
I also got thought communication with our dear son, Terje, and my Dad, who passed away in 1970. Clicks on the right or left side in the nose bone for YES/NO.
(I did not know that the whole program was set in action by my steering spirit, Dad, with assistance by the spirit of Terje.)

Forced to be a Christian
I was not religious, nor would I be. But I was forced by mocking dreams and physical occurrences which I was not able to understand, to fulfill the promise of becoming a Christian – the worst humiliation in my whole life. Here is what I wrote:

When the priest had said the last word of the little ceremony that followed, a freezing shiver went through me, as my body was shaking inside the down jacket, and with open eyes eyes I saw into in a darkness with the front of a glacier in white and grayscale. More than words, it told me: «Rejected, here you shall not be.» I have to add that the priest is an all right man, he just did what I had asked for. I thanked him for what he had done for me, and said goodbye. Relieved, I went home, because now it was done. Because I had promised being a Christian, I had to do it – and then be rejected, so that this promise should not bother me later. That was my first interpreting.

The God of Wreath and his Perdition
The next morning I got up in a normal good mood, then suddenly – as thrown at me: a sadness, abandonment, and helplessness, so extreme that words can’t tell. Again, with open eyes; I looked down into a wault of black and grays – a figure, kneeling, towards me, crouched with the face down, lost forever. The feeling lay all over the belly, almost like a fine-mesh “gray” network. It was so awful that I thought about how long it would last. After just one day, I would have to take my own life. And how does one do it as a spirit after death, with eternal time ahead? Without the experience DL&C, I would have been terrified, but with its support, I could feel without fear. While this was going on, I arranged breakfast, and after a while it had disappeared, without me noticing it, and without leaving any worries behind.

Now, before I talk about religious people, I will emphasize that I have all possible respect religious people and the kindness and compassion they show for other people. But not for what they believe about God, concerning his punishment.

I immediately realized that this experience is the very origin of the religions. It showed me what the religious people are led to believe about God: Heartless, without compassion and only with disgust for the lost ones – on a scale that reaches into eternity. This belief portrays God as equal to Satan, or far worse, because God is almighty and could have prevented such an endless horrible destiny. Why are the priests allowed to indoctrinate the children, these most trusting people with this un-truth. Which blasphemy can get bigger?

Fortunately for all of us, Satan does not exist. But for some religious people, belief in such a god can legitimize any kind of bestial act. Because they will never be able to surpass their god in cruelty.
Therefore, religions are harmful and reprehensible. Love is better off without them. But, again – it is steered to be this way, and we are all bound to argue for a change to something better.

A pattern: The Truth contra the un-truth
The Perdition was just a sad sight/vision, and a set of horrible feelings which I had in the kitchen. It can be interpret as the realm of the dead and perdition, if you like, as in religious preaching. I put it in the trash without further ado. Simply because it is completely incompatible with Unconditional Divine Love and Compassion.

The idea is that you should dare to reject the experience as an un-truth. Because, when you have experienced DL&C, you know it is unconditional and Truth. Then you have to stick to it. Then when you receive the Perdition, you know that it is an impossibility, un-truth and you can safely reject it.

In religions, Truth and False combine to create the biggest, worst and most harmful paradox in existence. We see the result very clearly both in the news and in historical documentation; lifelong uncertainty, sadness, anxiety and separation among people, — and in the worst case, the hell of the religious war. There, both love and compassion for the unbelievers and the lost disappear, and must be replaced with just disgust for them, as they believe their God has.

The idea, the purpose, is for you to dare to reject the experience as a falsehood. Because, when you have experienced Divine Love and Compassion, you know that it is unconditional and truth. Then you have to stick to it. When you then receive the Perdition, you know that it is an impossibility, untruth and you can safely reject it.

At the time, I did not realize that this formed the beginning of a pattern: True vs. Reprehensible: that is; If you receive a statement from God that you think is completely unreasonable, you should dare to reject it, even if it is from God. God has Unconditional Love for you, and therefore he does not want you to accept unfair treatment either from people or from God, himself.

But a few years later; April/May 2020, happened that what should make it clear to me that there was a pattern of True / Reprehensible that I would have to deal with.

3rd round
A little anxiety, which soon disappeared. Now I noticed that I had another spirit in me. The thought communication showed that he cared for my family. I suddenly got a negative thought about them, which felt completely strange to me. And before I had time to consider it, a nerve sting shot from one foot to a certain point in my stomach as my whole body twitched. I did not like being even “punished” for a thought which I felt was not mine. Now I understood he at least cared for my family, and then it was OK. Later, he was quite humorous too. Sometimes, when I rehearsed on the guitar and played wrong, the spirit took on the freedom to complain with weak nerve stings in the toes. I told it to stop, but realized soon it was just teasing.
This autumn 2016, I was still communicating with the spirit. It was interesting and never scaring, because after DL&C, I had no anxious feelings to spirits. But for me, one thing was clear; the body was mine, and although he was ok, I thought it was time to friendly tell him leave me. So I chose to do as the mediums on a Norwegian TV-program — they told the spirit to “go towards the light». It worked for half an hour — then he was back again, communicating.
Later on, when I was lying on my back in the bed at night, arms and legs slightly spread, strange things occurred. It felt like something were done in my body. One night, lying as described, nothing had happened yet. Suddenly, during one full second, my left arm moved itself to the hip, where it was lying still. Now I knew he could override my will, and I definitively did not like it. I had not any intention, not one single thought about moving my arm. I thought it had gone far too long. Now my patience had ended. I mobilized all my bad will against it, tensed all my muscles and told him leave me. But no! He continued communicating as nothing had happened. Then I gave in. At least, he was both harmless and humorous, so I just let it pass.

The Spirit asks for acceptance
After a few months of communication, I was traveling to Lanzarote with a group of other people. The communication with the spirit was now extended and very interesting. But, who it was, I had no idea. I thought it was a “homeless”. The last few days before going home, I felt a grip on my left wrist, much like the sensation you get from the plastic strip as ticket to an outdoor concert. I was not comfortable with that.
The day for departure arrived. I had a shower, put on clean clothes; pants and a light T-shirt hanging loosely on the pants. I was ready to go down to the others waiting for me when I got the grip on my left wrist again, and the question: “Do you accept me?” For a moment I was in doubt, but thought; if this is a result of having got The Experience of Divine Love and Compassion, I can surely trust it. So I answered, “Yes.” The grip disappeared, I went down with a sack on my back and a suitcase. When they saw me, they said, “You have blood on your (right) elbow – and a little blood shower down on your shirt.» Surprised, I looked, saw the blood, but the wound was at the rear side of the joint, and not visible for me. Then a string sensation shot from my right wrist to the elbow – and the word «Blodsbrødre» «Brothers of Blood” stood in my head. I asked:» Is this you, Terje?”. Then came and click in the right ear for “Yes.” I was very happy, but in this situation I could not tell anything of what really happened. For the occasion, Terje was the helper to my steering spirit, my Dad , and in charge of the surgery. The helper is preferably one in the family, but can be anyone. He uses the right wrist to express compassion when things are difficult, while Dad uses the left. Dad is my steering spirit, and he was the one who asked for acceptance, but this I got to know exactly one year later. Because we had lost Terje, it was he, who at that time got all my attention. From now on, the the communication clicks were moved from left or right side of the nose bone – to the ears.

I had the wound washed and bandaged at full speed. Since it was so far back on the joint, I didn’t get to look at it until I got home, removed the plaster and had a shower. Now I was a bit curious on what the wound looked like, and held the elbow to the mirror. To my astonishment I now saw that a small cylindrical patch of skin had been taken out, leaving a perfectly round cylindrical hole, about 5 mm in diameter, right down to the bottom of the white tendon attachment. As if a hole punch had been used, I thought. Without me noticing it, and without pain either when it happened or afterwards. No blood or clear fluid in the wound. But when I was later to write about the incident and hole punches, the thought medical hole punch came, as it rhymed with my calling the incident “Open surgery”. And then I wrote “medical hole punch”. But I had never heard that such a surgical instrument existed, until a medicine/surgeon told me it was a well known tool.

As my role is a topic in itself, I now have to tell it in its entirety:
In the following text I will tell for the first time what happened in the days after returning from Lanzarote. It will be put in later as to continue the story after Lanzarote the first days of November 2010.

The day of departure, waiting for the bus to the airport, I had open surgery by the helping spirit on my right elbow, and was told that the spirit I had communicated with, was my father. Everyone in the group saw the blood on my elbow and on my T-shirt, but this event was never discussed, because I had not told other than my own family about the communication I had with the spirit.

Warning of Police Road Patrol
A few days after returning from Lanzarote, my wife and I drove north to Balsfjord to visit her big family and the others in the Lanzarote group. I was driving, and all the way I had thought communication with Dad. Some miles before reaching Setermoen, the speed limit was 80 km/h, but sometimes I had 85. Then, suddenly, I felt a field like of «thousands tiny needles» stinging easily on the outside of the right leg, the «speed foot». I realized it could mean a warning — and slowed down to 80, — and watched it. A couple of minutes later a police man in a Road Patrol stood waving us in for control. Everything was OK and we could continue driving.

INITIATION 10.11. 2016 We had some nice days together with relatives and friends. On the last day before going home, a coffee party was organized in the evening for relatives who lived in the surrounding area and from Trøndelag. Now I realized that something was going on in the communication with my father. I understood that I should take short trips to the bathroom to be alone. There I first had the surprising thought: “Initiation”. Then I got the words to say: “Here I am standing in front of the Almighty God».
I repeated: “Here I am standing in front of the Almighty God»

Then I got questions to answer. But before I got confirmation that the answer I gave, was correct, — I had to reset, zero, the expectation of what the right answer would be. Just at the exact moment I managed to do it, the confirmation came as a click/crack in the wall. The ability of setting expectations to zero, stopping the thoughts, the steering spirit trained me to manage during meditation practice on some previous occasions. So that was another introduction to something that was to come, but which I still had no idea about.

The questions was: “Introduce yourself.” I said: “I am Tor Alvestad”, — zeroed in and waited for the crack. But it didn’t come. Then came the words: «The God Tor». I thought this was a bit too much, and tried to get away with: «I am Tor on Alvestad», but no crack came. «The God Tor», was repeated. Then I chose to do as I was told, and I said: «I am the God Tor», zeroed, and then came the crack.

The next questions were about confirming
— will to promote Unconditional Love
— Show respect and care for other people.
— If I violated or hurt someone, — apologize to that person and then receive forgiveness.
— Sexually — not take more than I am allowed by the partner, etc.

The initiation went very quickly, and in several rounds. Why, I could not understand But when the clock was around 21:00 in the evening, two of the young men had to leave to catch their flight south. There were goodbyes and hugs. When my turn came, I noticed that one of them was using an aftershave with a kind of strong masculine smell. I wondered if I should buy something like that, but I thought this was too strong, so I put it down. The guests and those who lived close, went home. The rest of us found our sleeping places.

Masculine smell
The next morning I woke up with a real, strong, masculine smell in my breath pouring out of my nose and mouth . Then I got the question: “Do you like the smell”? I said I thought it was too strong. It continued more and less throughout that day.

Next morning the smell had changed, — masculine, and truly delightful. And once again I was both amazed and surprised. The smell came in varying and special circumstances; from sexual settings, fun, to encouragement in difficult times, now and then, every day. Very nice.

Separate sense of smell It can be a task for Ear, Nose and Throat specialists to find out where it origins from, because it is independent of the normal sense of smell. I know this, – because after three polyp operations in the following years, I lost my normal sense of smell. But this new smell has the same strength as when I first got it.

Shaped before birth for my role
Now I will make a jump back to my birth and give a brief resume of my life and the preparations made to fit my role.

I was born with snow white hair at Harstad Hospital in the summer of 1946. In my youth it took on a golden hue until early forties. The reason why I tell this, is because it is a documentation, for me, that God can design a human being for such a role. (See Norse description of the god Tor). Mum and dad chose to call me Tor. Now, that’s what they thought. But they were steered to it, by then as now, and like everyone else on Earth.

In 1947 Dad had demolished the old house and built a new one for his family. In those days people had normally just one hammer in the house, and in the years that followed, he used it regularly for afterwork. But I had need for it too. I remember well that I had put my love to that hammer, — as early that I hardly could carry it. And dad has told me now, as he steers me; he had often to look for it first.

Like most kids, I was kind and didn’t want to hurt anyone. The only time I hurt someone with the hammer, was by accident. Big sister, 7 years older than me, played with me. She was lying on her back in the field with me sitting across her chest. I remember well that I was struggling to get a proper grip on the hammer when it slipped out of my hands, and fell straight on to her forehead, — it hit right between her eyebrows. There was crying and wailing, and I was sorry. Now, last autumn 2023, she told me for the first time that she got a big lump where the hammer hit.

When I finished the hammer period and was 4-5 years old, it sometimes happened that neighbors who passed by in good mood, could say; “Ohh, that’s Tor with the Bucks”. Then, in primary school, I gradually became aware that it was the Norse god of lightning and thunder. But of course, like everyone else with that name, — later in life I never had any kind of notion of anything more.

When I now look back on the life I have lived, I see a thread of steering: In 1970 I had finished my professional education:

— One year Mechanical
— Three years electronics for repair men of ships electronics; radio transmitters/receivers, radar, sonar and TV. (Which I now know would be useful when I was to get the first step to manipulate gravity)

My wife and I married in 71, and our first son Terje was born in 1972. I had worked for two years in the profession when I wanted to find another way of life, out in the nature and with physical work. Just then, Senterpartiet, «the agricultural party”, had come to government power. The prices of both cow and goat’s milk made a jump, which made it much more profitable to run a small goats farm, than with sheep. Then the solution became; a little goat farm, fishing, hunting and TV – repair for people in the village.

— In 1978 I was for he first time introduced to the term, «Love and Compassion», by two foreign youths who helped us with work, and in 1979, I had The Experience of Divine Love and Compassion, aged 33. (See described in the chronological part, website).

I knew that this Experience was of an immense greatness, but I never realized what was already «laid in my cards» — for my name, and for the choices I so far had done. Simply because I was not given that realization.

But here’s another important reason I have for publishing it now April 2024. It is that it makes visible, at least for me, that the steering of, not just me, but the whole society and the whole world, is total. And, to me, completely incomprehensible. From here I connect to the Chronoligical story which will need a bit editing

Don`t ask of what to do.. When it comes to the management of what you should do during the day that is appropriate and good for both yourself and others, there is no use in asking the steering spirit about anything, because you will get both yes and no. Just follow your plan as if you were alone in your body, because if something else is going to happen, it will appear in your mind, — and you realize that it requires a change of priority.

God steers the steering spirit
Here I must emphasize that the steering spirit is steered by God in what he does. And that’s how it’s always been, but we just did`nt get to know it until now. So there is nothing to be afraid of.

The time that followed was very interesting and exciting. In turn, I was shown with kind demonstrations that the spirit is in control of everything. He gives me a theme to ask about, and answers yes or no with a click in right or left ear. Gradually, the list of signals was expanded. He steers me to be the person I am destined to be in this life. The communication is quiet, pleasant, and with amusements in appropriate amounts.
I have come to realize that all my thinking, the one I have had all my life, is communication with the steering spirit. He controls my memory and makes sure it is as good or bad as it should be for me. He steers all the emotions, the will and the movements. Mood, all kinds of feelings, included sexual feelings and ability.

All the diseases and blemishes we have, and their symptoms, have been inflicted on us by God – via our steering spirit. As easily as they are inflicted on us, they can also be removed.
He controls all kinds of bodily functions such as f.ex.salivary secretion. During the demonstrations my mouth was once all dried up. I asked him if I could get the saliva back. During one second the saliva was flooding. And I’m not exaggerating.

Everything is steered according to how we are to be in the role we have in this life. He is connected «in parallell» with me, a little “in the forefront”, and so close that I think it is myself who is steering me. Makes me do what I shall do in my life. It is a wonderfully smart and practical scheme that is impossible to detect if one does not get the suspicion of how it works. And the suspicion – you don’t get it until the spirit gives it to you. He controls everything you need to understand and not understand. He gives me dreams, daydreams, thought performances. All kinds of planning. On a continuous daily basis; in small glimpses, he reminds me what to do. For example: If I’m going to drive to the town, and wonder if I forgot something – then the thought picture (pictogram) of the mobile phone pops into my memory – I go inside, pick it up, and when ready to drive, the picture of the water bottle pops up, etc. You see, I have stopped to blame myself when I forget. And I don`t blame Dad either, because he is also steered, by God.
The steering spirit, the free helping spirit and myself; all three of us are in simultaneous thought contact with each other, but without me sharing their communication with other steering spirits. The helper comments and confirms sometimes with knocks in whatever, a wall, a thermostat not in use. A tree trunk or a street light steel post,(if we see something beautiful passes by) Always synchronously close behind the thought or my question – quite fun and enjoyable!
All of us bakes bread, cream cake with strawberries, eats dinner, drinks coffee, walks in the mountains, pics wild berries, fishing in the sea and whatever else I do, and thought I did alone. And I feel all right. They can change places, change to steer me. My innermost privacy is gone for ever, good bye! – and I don`t care.

Tickles my nose and mouth
They can make plans for fun events, and arrange everything to occur in accordance with the plan. And when things happens, and the good replies from the parties come, it happens that Dad tickles me around my nose, like with a broom of fine down.
If I think I have reason to be a bit sour by “shit happening”, and it lasts too long…then he tickles me around the nose, and I am not able to hold back the laughter.
It has been very amusing to get insight in this little innocent Divine betray for our loved ones to have a body to stay in, and for keeping all of us guilt-free. I’m completely amazed that this is possible!

Everyone can get contact with the steering spirit and also get the experience of Divine Love and Compassion without going through what I have done. Because, now is the secret of life after death revealed by one person./strong>

Important: If you have had parents or relatives who treated you bad, and who now are your steering spirit, it is important to trust that they, for some reason, was steered to be like that. As steering spirit you are released for that role. Then apologizing, forgiving and reconciliation can be done. And if you then feel safe to accept the spirit, as ai did, you may get the experience of Divine Love and Compassion. The steering spirit is the one who can relay it from God.

From here, much more can be deduced about everyday life. Now you can, for example, try to find out for yourself who steers you or the person you live with. When a couple goes to bed, there are two more close relatives from both sides who are joining the couple. Those who have passed away. Four..or that the steering spirit and the helper have changed roles to share the benefits From my youth I remember it was said that in the Bible it should be written something like this: In heaven is not taken for marriage – and is not given for marriage. Just go online and see, it’s right. A new piece of the puzzle has fallen into place for me. And a new and better future has opened up.

Science, Benjamin Libet
The scientific research of the american neurologist, Benjamin Libet, showed that we do have not free will — that our choices are already determened when we, ourselves, make a conscious choice. 17 universities from many countries have joined forces to find the explanation. Maybe they also can try to get in touch with the steering spirit. With three microphones, one in each ear and one on the throat, communication can be easily recorded, especially when I am writing.

Nicolas Notowitch. The book: La Vie Inconnue de Jésus-Christ
First I will emphazise that I have all possible respect for what Jesus, Issa was, as told in both Christian and Bouddhist texts, and for the the tragic treatment he got as crucified. What he was teaching concerning human coexistence, is still the best recipe for peace: Unconditional love, respect trust and compassion for each other.

On the Internet I came across a book about the unknown life of Jesus, written by the Russian Nicolas Notowitch in 1894. From 1878— 1887, he travelled to India and Kashmir, where Jesus, as a young boy, lived and studied buddhism. The book tells that, after the custom, Jesus was to be married at the age of 12-13. He did not want to, and escaped east to India with a trading caravan to become a buddhist monk. Notowitch visited the Hemis Monastery, one of the places Jesus had lived while in India. There he saw copies of the ancient holy scriptures about the life of Jesus – Issa. He had the scrolls read, translated and written down, and published in French, “La vie inconnue de Jésus-Christ.”

In the original language, French, I wrote down the entire narrative that deals with Jesus’ life and ministry from birth to trial, in which he was sentenced to death. I put it through google translator — into Norwegian — and got reasonable good sight into what had happened.

Following the ravages of the Romans in Israel, he would return to comfort his suffering people, his brothers and sisters, as he called them. They welcomed him with open arms. The rulers put in power, were scared of a possibly uprising, and arrested him. Everything that was said by the parts, during the trial, was written down. The arguments. How the old wise Hebrews defended Jesus, and wanted Pilate to release him — because Jesus was talking about God as king, not that he, himself, would become king in Israel. Finally, in a rage, Pilate sentenced Jesus to death and acquitted the two robbers. The old, wise Hebrews washed their hands to show they were not guilty of the unjust judgment.

The Christian version of the drama, is opposite: The robbers were also crucified, and Pilate was washing his hands. I do not know what is right, but think the ancient Buddhist texts of that time may be more to be trusted, than later oral traditions.

Joar Hoel Larsen
Recently I came across a correspondent letter from Joar Hoel Larsen, December 24th. 2011, on the life of Jesus in India. When Jesus was buried and the tomb was later found empty, he had survived because of his body control abilities as a monk. Together with his mother, Maria, they were helped to get east, and after 16 years, they came to Kashmir. There he lived until he died, 80 years old. Ever since that time, he has been both known and esteemed by the people there until our time.

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