Hello President Donald Trump
I want to be your adviser
President Vladimir Putin tried to reach Joe Biden with an Ultimatum on nuclear war for the damage he had done to Russia and Ukraine; the brother people, before he left as US president. But some one had managed to avoid it reach Biden, or that Biden just refused to answer. Then the Ultimatum remained as «not answered», and Putin is now free to do what a negative respons would cause. And president Donald Trump has now inherited the Ultimatum caused by Joe Biden and his crew.
The reason why Putin turned to Joe Biden with the Ultimatum, is this: The NSA, CIA and Pentagon is closely connected to a private foundation, «Think Tank» called Rand Corporation. On behalf of THE GOVERNMENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA they are the author of hundreds mafia-offers which no country’s leadership has asked for, or been in need of. They call it: US-Charter of Partnership. The mafia Boss is the currently changing President of USA
When you read it you’ll immediately realize it is a grand mafia offer:«An offer you can’t refuse», made to take over your country, to scare the receiver to be paralyzed and silent on what it was. And later, — to obey what ever demanded.
that has made more than 200 countries all over the world to be marionettes for USA. The offer is so demanding, arrogant, disrespectful, humiliating and heartless, that as soon as the country’s president reads the Charter with the USA, he realizes that it is like written by a devil. It is not said, but the Charter means:
— Sign and shut your mouth. We we`ll take what we want, but give it to us voluntarily
— Privatize
— Give our companies all the natural resources we demand.
— Let us build military bases on your soil
— Give us your adult children, parents and grandparents to fight for us. (That’s what goes on in Ukraine)
— If we have to take your women as soldiers, pregnant or not, we we`ll do it. (Ukraine )
— Because we are the only remaining Superpower, and we will rule the whole world.
— We don`t care about the UN, international law, human rights and international tribunals, — unless we need them, ourselves, to judge our enemies .
— You are now a full member of our mafia, and you will be our emissaries who will give “reminders” about what awaits those who refuse to submit.
— And when we celebrate our Partnership in the White House in Washington, — your president will give a speech of thanks to us and all the invitees. With smiles, joy and enthusiasm for the protection we give you, you will pay tribute to the United States as the world’s foremost protector of democracy and freedom. If not, you know what have happened to others.
The offer paralyzes the victim, — who keep quiet, puts on a mouth bag and does as expected. The fear and silence about it, make these high-criminals pass under the radar, and the young people are fooled to offer their lives to them.
A comment on why Putin now claims that Ukraine belongs to Russia and has always done so:
Ukraine received its latest mafia offer on Nov. 10, 2021: US-Ukraine Charter on Strategic Partnership
When Ukraine had signed the US-Charter, the country was taken over by the United States and Volodymyr Zelenskyj became their marionette. Then Joe Biden considered Ukraine to be a possession and property of the United States that they would never give up, no matter the cost of human lives and material destruction.
On March 20, 2022, there were negotiations in Turkey. Russia, with foreign minister Sergej Lavrov, had offered the Ukrainian delegation to refrain from joining NATO and instead declare neutrality for Ukraine. There was never any talk of Ukraine not being allowed to be independent, — only neutral. It was clear that Zelensky was on the move, but that someone was thwarting it. Lavrov then said: “We have a feeling that someone is holding the hand of the Ukrainian delegation and prevent them from accepting the demands that I consider minimal. However, the process continues. We continue to be open to cooperation with all countries, including Western ones, but the West acted in such a way that we do not come up with any initiative.”
If it was`nt for the US-Ukraine Charter foreign minister Kuleba had signed, Ukraine could have retained independence by declaring the country neutral. But Joe Biden lied that Ukraine was a democracy and could choose for itself whether to join NATO, or not. He had also made it clear that Putin would never receive any written security guarantees from the United States. We understand, in that case, it would torpedo the project he had started; to deter and subjugate the entire world. — that all the countries of the world should submit to being ruled by the United States. Nothing less.
Putin now knew that it was the United States he had acquired as a neighbor — and was declared the archenemy of the US. Therefore, Putin gradually changed his description of Ukraine; — now as a country that has always belonged to Russia.
For Joe Biden, this became a convenient basis for a new and welcome lie; that Putin wants to subjugate other countries. All media and the EU have submitted. The fact that Joe Biden has declared loud and clear on every TV screen that the United States will lead and deter the world — that is not mentioned in a single word.
Similar Charters have made all the small countries in East-Europe, Norway, Sweden, Finland and Denmark/Greenland to be regarded as US-«properties» and their leaders marionettes. Even now, after Joe Biden left the scene, his command to our leaders on securing all weapon supplies needed to fight down Russia, is still in force. This is what Donald Trump now have faced; a surrealistic bizarre circus, impossible to understand as long as no-one dare to tell him that Joe Biden and his crew managed to take over all these free nations.
As if this was`nt enough, and as the Atlantic Ocean has border to a row of West-African countries, they have now been wished welcome to prepare membership in Nato. Abundance of nature resources.
«https://www.state.gov/the-united-states-and-nigeria-partnering-for-prosperity/Partnership for Atlantic Cooperation»
- «Nigeria is a positive voice in the Partnership for Atlantic Cooperation, a White House priority launched in September 2023. The Partnership is a platform for Atlantic coastal states to work together to address common challenges to realize interconnected goals of advancing a peaceful, stable, prosperous, open, safe, and cooperative Atlantic region, and promoting a healthy, sustainable, and resilient Atlantic for generations to come. It currently has 36 member states across the Atlantic.»
- If the politicians in the US government have read these Charters, without blowing the whistle, then THE GOVERNMENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA MUST BE CONCIDERED TO BE A MAFIA ORGANIZATION
- When Joe Biden had taken the oath, he said: “So help me God”. As a Christian, he worships The god of Wrath: Satan. That means: “So help me Satan”. And today we can see the result: The whole Scandinavia, East and West-Europe are taken over by “An offer you can`t refuse”: US-Charters of Partnership. And the curse of fear of being assassinated by the CIAs contractors remains in our ministers` minds, and force them to follow Joe Bidens will; Obligations for us to give Ukraine endless weapon supplies, let our populations in the whole Scandinavia and Europe force Putin down on his knees, no matter the cost of human lives and destructions. MADNESS.
- We had peace, no crisis with Putin existed before Joe Biden came and served lies to us
I don’t know if Donald Trump is a Christian. If he is, he is in great danger of being killed, and should leave the religion immediately, and instead pass on “Message from God” to another person. Then God will protect him from being harmed or killed for life. And he will get full rights in the Paradise to come soon. The same should all of his family and ministers do. (see the text further down)
- So if Donald Trump will Make America Great Again, he can turn to the author of these mafia offers: Rand Corporation, get the list of more than 200 countries USA has taken over. Shut down their activity, and in publicity , cancel every single US-Charter given. And then leave the world to God who has waited almost 5 years for us to lay down the weapons and all religions. Then he will restore Paradise that were lost in Mesopotamia, 6000 years ago. This time it will be all over the world, and for all future.
Give the Ukrainian President Volodoymyr Zelenskyj the offer to declare neutrality for his country, once again, — in exchange for refraining from joining NATO. And tell him that he can safely accept it.
If Zelenskyj passes on the “Message from God” to another person, no one will be able to harm or kill him. For everyone who does me this small favor, I will protect. And they will receive full rights in Paradise, which I will soon restore on the whole Earth. See Message from God on the website: toralvestad.com
You are my savior for Earth. Without you, it would have gone to hell.
— Do as you have planned, for it is I who have given it to you through your steering spirit:
— Give President Joe Biden an ultimatum of nuclear war on the date and time you have been given, XXX Moscow time.
— If he does not accept the offer you have made to Volodymyr Zelensky, then send a nuclear bomb high in the stratosphere above Washington — at the time you have been given. If he does not accept, you can send a bomb that will obliterate Washington, — at your convenience.
Kind regards
When the USA soon receives an ultimatum about nuclear war from President Vladimir Putin, then refrain from participating in the conflict. For it is only the USA that is the enemy. Not only for Russia and Vladimir Putin, but for all the countries and people of the world,— for the entire Planet Earth.
Tell Joe Biden that if he does not agree to President Putin’s demand, then the United States will be left alone in the fight, and that you have had enough of them. And if Putin needs help with nuclear weapons from you, then give them everything you have.
Message from God
Thursday 14. May at 05:00 2020
«Message from God.
You are steered by your parents,
relatives or friends who have passed away.
All of you are steered by me”
Sunday 17. May at 05:00 2020:
“From now on you shall know
that you are free of guilt in what you do».
As an offer for rescue to the American people in worst case, I also got a half message in Norwegian. The last part I had to figure out myself: «IKKE ETT OG EN AV MINE…ikke ett barn og en voksen av mine, (de som har gitt videre «Melding fra gud»), skal omkomme, om så i atomkrig.
That means: NOT ONE CHILD AND ONE ADULT OF MINE (those who have passed on «Message from God»)…shall perish, even in a nuclear war.
Transcript of a communicated message from God, via my steering spirit, Magnus Alvestad, to me, his son,
Tor Alvestad.
Toppsundveien 1315
9423 Grøtavær
9423 Grøtavær, 18. December, 2024. ______________________________
As an attempt to warn the American population I sent my story to Washington Post, but got no answer.
19. jan. 2025 kl. 20:44 skrev Tor Alvestad <alvestadtor1@gmail.com>:
To David Shipley
Washington Post
The explanation why nothing happened after the attempt to reach Putin with support from God, to give Biden Ultimatum on nuclear war.
In the evening 26. Des. 2024; because of this extreme importance of the Message, I tried to search the internet for to find the website of the russian government where I hopefully could reach president Vladimir Putin in person with the Message from God. But after two attempts, Safari were blocked, and the screen turned white with the message: «Safari has not access to the server»
Then I decided to send it to their Embassy in Oslo, and continued for to finish writing during the evening/night
26/27Dec. Wrote evening/night from, approx. 11:00 PM, 26.12 to approx. 4:00 AM, 27.12. Before 04 AM that date and time, the email was sent to the Russian Embassy with clearance from God for president Vladimir Putin to give Joe Biden the Ultimatum on nuclear war. Then I went to bed and slept until mid-day. But when I checked Mail for “Sent messages”, I discovered that the date and time of the email I sent, — still the same day, December 27. , had now changed to December 26. at 7:05 PM, and that was wrong. The date and time it was sent from me, was December 27. somewhere between 3:00 AM and 4:00 AM.. What had happened? Had someone intervened here. The date and time for sent messages will always follow the time here in Norway, where I live.
Now I have got communicated through my steering spirit that because of the uncertainty for me on weather Putin had got the Message, or not, God had to make Putin wait, for reasons I have no access to. That is why he chose to let me go public through Washington Post, for Joe Biden to have the Ultimatum published that way. He also emphasize that I will not get a new ultimatum for warning Joe Biden and the people in USA. If NSA and CIA have blocked the possibility for me to reach both the Russian government and their Embassy in Oslo, they shall consider the Ultimatum as given to Joe Biden. And Vladimir Putin can do as recommended — at his convenience.
Now Joe Biden, himself, should immediately contact Putin and tell him whether he accept his offer he was about to give president Volodomyr Zelenskyj, or not. So far, I don`t get to know anymore, and the USA should prepare for worst case.
Kind regards
Tor Alvestad